
Veronica A. Correa.
January 25, 2021 at 12:35:31 a.m.
I want to say that Breakaway relief foundation cares about what your needs are with kindest and compassion.Sharon goes above and beyond to make you you are helped. I applied because of Covid-19, we have been impacted and needed support.She reached to me and asked what I needed it and if I was OK.I got groceries and snacks a few time before the holidays. Most importantly, during the holidays I was provided with a turkey and toys for my kids. Thank you so much Sharon.

Sharon Badroe
December 18, 2020 at 2:30:40 a.m.
My name is Sharon B, and I have been getting help from Breakaway Relief Foundation since covid-19 which helped me and my family a whole lot.
Today I just have to write a Testimony on how Breakaway helped us out for Christmas this year.
I was home last week very depressed so, I started to pray and sing to God, asking him to send us some help for the holidays. The song I was singing was, why worry when you can pray ask, Jesus and he will lead the way. I has called Breakaway a couple times but, no one answered. About an hour passed, then I heard the phone rang and it was Sharon from Breakaway Foundation calling me back.
I told her that I was seeking help for the Christmas, she said that she would call me back, and she did with great news. She told me that someone would sponsor me with grocery. I was very excited, happy, grateful and very thankful.
Today we went to No Frills and got the food that we needed for the Christmas holidays, and other helpful things too.
God, please continue to Bless Breakaway Foundation, Sharon at Breakaway, Mr. Harvey and his dear son.
God Blessings to you all. I am very grateful for all your help.
I had to put this Testimony out.
I will always put my trusts in the Lord. Amen!

Princess Boucher
International Woman Achievers' Awards
October 15, 2020 at 7:14:29 p.m.
For the past five years I have been fortunate to work with young children in the community and to give to them gifts during the Christmas season, I could not make it possible without the help of Breakaway foundation and for that I thank you for your contributions of gift to make this possible. IWAA look forward to your support and partnership. Blessings

Breakaway Relief Foundation
June 8, 2020 at 1:30:35 p.m.
Hi everyone!
Feel free to share your experiences with us!